
martes, 26 de mayo de 2015

When I was a child

The Year 5 students are studying the past of the verb "To be". To practice it, they have made a poster commenting pictures of them when they were younger.

martes, 5 de mayo de 2015

Food Foodie

As part of a Maths project, the Year 4 tutor, Trini, has created "Food Foodie Grocery Store". The project aim is to help students practice substraction with decimals while they speak in English. 

The students have to buy food items, and the interaction between seller and costumer has to be entirely  in English. The customer asks for things he/she wants to buy and the seller has to calculate the total price and the change if needed.

We've been playing a couple of times and we've had a great time.
Now, the Year 4 students are prepared to buy anything in an English shop :)